MSP430 In circuit programming with MSP430 Launchpad using Spy-Bi wire interface
When we use microcontrollers in our circuits we need to program and debug them in circuits after soldering. Hence, In circuit programming is much useful in s...
When we use microcontrollers in our circuits we need to program and debug them in circuits after soldering. Hence, In circuit programming is much useful in s...
Relays are awesome small devices which could be used to control other devices. The plus point of relays is,they can be used to drive a different voltage leve...
There are many CPU architectures in current embedded devices. MIPS is also a popular architecture for embedded systems. Here I'm going to play with a MIPS ba...
After Googling a bit about the TI Stellaris Launchpad, I found out that it can be used as a 10Mhz 8 Channel Logic analyzer with some small free softwares. Th...
TI Stellaris LaunchPad has a quite neat ARM Cortex-M4F based microcontroller and built in ICDI debugging interface. It is a great tool for learning ARM archi...